Where to Find Us
Worship Schedule
Matins: 8:40 am
Divine Liturgy: 10 am
Every Sunday
Vespers: 5pm Saturday
Everyone is Welcome
Please consult our Monthly Calendar for a full schedule of weekly Divine Services.
Thank you for visiting the website of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral.
We are a growing Orthodox Christian community of various ethnic and racial backgrounds located in the heart of Southwest Detroit. Divine Services are in English and Spanish. We welcome all visitors to come and join us for Sunday Divine Liturgy and other weekday Services. As a missionary community, we are deeply committed to providing opportunities to serve our neighbors in need. We invite you to join us in this holy work of living the Gospel.
Click here for some information which will help you if this is your first visit to our Church.
As you explore this website, you will also find opportunities to participate in our ongoing works of mercy and community building activities in our immediate neighborhood around the church.
You are welcome here! If you have questions about your visit, please contact Fr. Phillip at frphillipdage@gmail.com.