Our parish is named in honor of the two greatest missionaries the Christian Church has ever known, and we at Ss Peter and Paul Cathedral are committed to living up to the legacy of those two great Christians. We are located in a neighborhood with a great many needs—spiritual and material, personal and communal—and while we do not claim to have all the resources to satisfy even a fraction of those needs, we help where we can, determined to remain a force for good in an otherwise troubled city. Our parish is committed to partnering with Orthodox Detroit Outreach, which brings together dozens of other Orthodox Christian parishes in the greater Detroit area serve the needs of our neighbors in SW Detroit. Our efforts to reach out to the neighborhood have included our annual Cookies with Santa, Wayne County Head Start, our Community Garden, the Community Thanksgiving Feast, and our weekly Sunday luncheon in which local volunteers and Orthodox parish groups come together to serve our friends from the neighborhood. Please come join us some Sunday afternoon. The meal begins promptly at 2pm in our parish hall and goes for about an hour. Please click here for directions, and feel free to contact us if you you have any questions or would like to contribute.